Number Seven has a dedicated advice room which enables us to listen to our members in a confidential supportive atmosphere, identifying issues needing immediate attention and signposting people to appropriate organisations when necessary.

As part of the wider Feeding Birkenhead Group, Number Seven collaborates with several other community based projects enabling resources, knowledge and experience to be shared and therefore improving the provision of support and assistance to local residents. Number Seven works in partnership with many other local support organisations including the Citizens Advice Bureau, Involve NorthWest, Age UK, Caritas, Society of Saint Vincent DePaul, Magenta, GirlGuiding Wirral, various local schools, FUSS, Heart for Refugees, Wirral Change and Mick Whitley MP Constituency Office.  

By signposting residents to appropriate organisations we ensure people are given the opportunity to access all services available to them. In turn many of these organisations signpost to Number Seven